What's Reppin' Da 808

What makes Hawaii Hawaii isn't just the cool beaches, the great food, and the beautiful scenery. What makes Hawaii Hawaii is the people.

Hawaii is made up of diverse individuals with different characteristics, traits, views, and backgrounds. Although we may have our differences and sometimes butt heads, one thing that we all have in common and what brings us together is the protection of Hawaii's land, people, and culture. 

Hawaii is made up of islands disconnected and unique from one another, with its own angles and features that separates them from one another. In the end they come together to form this beautiful state called home. 

Just like the people.

No matter how different the person next to you is, the idea of protecting this state is what brings us together to form one big family.

We don't shy away from conflict, we treasure this state, and we take pride in Hawaii. 

That's what Reppin' Da 808 is, it's a lifestyle.